About Me

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New Port Richey, Florida, United States
I live in New Port Richey and I need the therapy. My life balances between the goofy and the inane. What more can I say!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Life's little "Hiccups".

I enjoy cool days with the sliders and windows wide open. The squirrels enjoyed popcorn and peanuts…You guessed it! It was not long before one pesky little critter figured out where the popcorn smell was coming from and he (the squirrel) began showing up in the living room.
It was a game. I’d leave the room and come back, there he would be sitting on the coffee table, noshing on the pop corn left-overs or stealing peanuts. As soon as I entered the room, he would grab a peanut and run out the door.
I am no rocket scientist, I did close the screen….finally.
The little devil showed up with a friend. When her found the screen closed, he climbed to the top and hung up-side-down and start whining. I finally filled a bowl with peanuts (shell on), opened the screen and let have at it.
Unlike most New Hampshire squirrels, this little guy had a short stubby tail. Most are long and bushy. I do believe he was 2 seconds “shy of a win” between he and a cat. Regardless of how he lost his tail, he became known as “Stubby”.
Stubby, became very comfortable in OUR surroundings. It was obvious that he understood we were not going to hurt him and he was welcome. After all, the bowl remained ever-full for him. He also quickly learned how to pry the screen open enough to let himself in. It was not uncommon to come into the room to find him sitting comfortably on the couch with a peanut in his little paws, merrily munching away. We figured out that Stubby had invited guests to his new restaurant.
They (the squirrels ) are truly God’s comedians. If the bowl of peanuts or popcorn got low-they would threaten to race around the apartment or start chattering at me incessantly. The result was newly filled bowl and a very humble host!
Then screen door was beginning to show a bit of wear (who new?) so, discretion being the better part of valor, I just left the damn thing open and kept the bowl full.
It was much safer than shooing them out and chancing war in the living room!
This tactic created “Peace between the species”. Stubby began just coming in, grabbing a handful, then returning outside. I believe the enterprising little bugger had started a catering service.
Bob had a habit of parking in front of the stereo, putting the headset on, and listening to music at decibel 10. This is how he relaxed!
So many years on the tarmac with the wine of jet engines and I swear his hearing was gone.
I cams down the hall and saw Bob, who was completely engrossed in music. strategically positioned on the floor, with his paws on Bob’s legs and butt, firmly planted, was Stubby. He was chattering, growling and scratching at Bob’s pants. (guess they don’t understand “cripdom”) Bob appeared to be ignoring him.
I tapped Bob on the shoulder and pointed. Bob removed his headset and looked a bit perturbed that I had interrupted his favorite song. “ WHAT”!
“ You , sir, have shirked your duties as “Father Forest” and His Royal Highness, Stubby, is in a state of revolt!” I chuckled. (still pointing)
“Jeezus!!” he yelled.
(This is another example of the miracle of Mother Nature. She almost got Bob to Stand!)

It only took a second to recover and start to laugh. By the time Bob recovered fully, I had refilled the bowl. Stubby took his “due” ,sat on the couch for awhile, then grabbed a few more and left.
All was “NORMAL” at the Carr residence, at least for the moment. I went to the kitchen to use up the “dead bananas” by concocting a banana bread and Bob went back to his music.
An hour or so later, the aroma must have traveled to Stubby’s home, because he showed up with his family and friends in tow.
He ( and gang) came into the kitchen, in a line, and waited patiently for their portion. I tried reverently to appease them with peanuts….NO GOOD. They waited. They watched. They WANTED!
I know, I know “Please don’t feed the animals”, a lost admonishment on me, I’m afraid. I sliced of a couple of pieces and divided it among the “kids”.
With great aplomb, they ate their bits and when they figured out there was no more, they departed the premises.
We didn’t see them for the rest of the afternoon and stupidly assumed they didn’t like the bread and wouldn’t return……..SILLY ME!!
I was puttering around the kitchen getting dinner ready and Bob had decided to get his exercise by “wheeling” around the parking lot. Bob had grabbed a handful of peanuts on the way out the door and put them on his lap. (this, no doubt for energy). I let him know dinner would be ready in about ½ hour.
I was not prepared fort he spectacle ½ hour later.
I went out on the porch to call Bob for dinner and there he was, off in the distance, heading for my direction with a parade of squirrels merrily following behind him. Behind the squirrels, were three or four children trotting behind them. It was the strangest adaptation of the ”Pied Piper” I had ever seen! The entire troop followed Bob all the way back to the apartment.
The last thing I heard before I “lost it” was, ”Honey, look what followed me home!”